Sunday, December 6, 2020


Viewers are introduced to real life husband of actress Melissa Ordway as he takes over the roll of Phillip Chancellor 4th otherwise known as Genoa City's newest police officer Chance... Power move of 2020 becomes known to breathless viewers as the unity we'll see in the marriage of Abby Carlton-Newman-Abbott and Phillip Chancellor 4, held on grandmother Katherine's Genoa City estate which Katherine divided between her most faithful and trusted maid Esther Valentine and her most friendly enemy Jill Foster-Brooks-Abbott-Chancellor-yadayadayada....anywho Jill's given Esther FULL reign allowing for Chloe and Kevin move in with their children Bella and newly born Miles.The birth of baby Miles brings G'ma Glo Worm to Genoa City looking over one shoulder. Its only when both Kevin and Chloe force Glo to admit she's in trouble and on the run that Gloria 'opts' for leaving as fast as she'd arrived. It didn't stop her from tucking the 'problem' flash drive in a little black chest in the Chancellor living room. will viewer's see her return for the wedding and to retrieve her stolen goods? (Nope. Didn't happen).
This marriage unites numerous core families in Genoa City, not to mention 1st cousin Devon Hamilton-Winters has become ordained to join his cousin Chance and Abby Newman as husband and wife! Abby tells her mother she wants to honor her 'father' Brad Carlton in the wedding ceremony. Anyone notice how she's deliberate excluded the Newman side of her family in planning this wedding--- outside of Chane asking TGVN for his daughter's hand its been crickets. She doesn't know either that Uncle Billyboy has been claimed number one suspect in the shooting of her fiance'. Nor does she know that newly found cousin Theo is suing the Abbott family for g'ma Dina's ENTIRE fortune. Which would include the condo apartment in Paris that Abby was left...Theo tells Sally Spectra, 'The Abbotts don't need the money. I do'. And then he hired Brittany to make it so...Jack says, 'Let it play out in the courts'. Viewers suspect the 'pen' Theo was gifted is worth $CHA-CHING ZILLION$$...Dumb fella. There's no sign of him tho' as family and friends take time to assure Abby concerning the finest points of love. Loving and being loved by that special person.. jitters over, she, finally gets closer to that altar as Traci begins to 'sing' along to her voice recording 'Nikki's Song'. Talk about a surpr


ise and what a shout out to those long gone days of Traci singing background for Genoa City teen pop star Danny Romalotti. Victor walks her to Chance and Devon and yet another wedding takes place within sacred walls of the Chancellor mansion. It's been a week of Abby, Abby, and more Abby as viewers are treated to every questionable bump in the road as family and friend dole out sage advice about love - even though the only 'couple' in attendance are Victor and Nikki. It's while they family awaits the arrival of the bride that Victor informs Jill her son's the number one suspect in her grandson's shooting.
And what about those flashbacks as we see Katherine take a dig at Jill after her enemy's caught daydreaming of the day when she will wed John Abbott. Katherine calls to mind another high powered man that Jill had conned to the altar as she mentions that 'John Abbott's children won't stand around and watch her slit his throat'. She's referring to the time when Stewart Brooks was choking and she had the 911 operator on the phone instructing her how to slit his throat and allow him to breath and remove the object at the same time. Hilarious scenes.  Jill compliments Esther on how she's tending to the Chancellor manse. Not wanting to ruin Abby's wedding Billyboy leaves after Victor calls attention to him and he goes to the Grand Phoenix bar to drink and call Lily.
Enjoying those flashbacks!
Nina, Christine and Lauren have mimosa's and girl chat, they make a date for dinner before Nina leaves Genoa City. Chloe tries to make contact with Chelsea but they miss one another's calls, as Adam promised Victoria and Victor he'd leave town if Conner is allowed to keep his portion of the Newman inheritance? When he returns to the penthouse its to find Chelsea passed out on the floor. Billyboy's arrested for shooting Chance and Victoria informs Victor that if she EVER finds out he framed the father of her children -- she'd NEVER forgive him!

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