Thursday, October 22, 2015


The majority of Lil D's problems begin when he falls into being the grandson of Katherine Chancellor and inherits her kajillions and suspects Roxie is after his money instead of love. Even though she's forgiven his transgression with Aunt Eva as they betrayed Neil too by being unfaithful.
Where does the finding of Lil D's million dollar ransom of marked bills found in Cane's gym bag what comes next for this couple as they strive to save their marriage and deal with a meddling Joe Clark at the same time.


          Cane is showing signs of knowing 'something' and OUR Tiger Lily wants to know what? He's coming off as clueless and claims only to want to spend a little face time  with wifeiy? She wants to be present for Lil D right now. No one is concerned about Neil's constant disappearing acts?  And then the ransom money is found in Canes house, in his closet in his gym bag and we're supposed to believe he's innocent just as Lily did? Hahahaha. That didn't happen as she runs straight to Dyls with the evidence and her husband gets arrested...whoah he didn't see that one coming. And we sudzers didn't see the coming revelation that money is missing from Fenmores in the millions and it looks as if Cane is the guilty party there. Too.
Lil D can't SEE the forest for the trees as Gwen makes brave front of 'trying' to tell him about Neil

Monday, August 10, 2015


TGVN is having trouble getting the Mrs. to return to the ranch and live in wedded bliss with him and not be cavorting ALL over Genoa City being guided or mis-guided by fellow alcoholic Neil Winters as both stand on the edge of drinking themselves outta their own contrived miseries. But you know what the FELLA said about misery loving company and it would seem these two do LOVE being in one another's company to the point where Nikki sports a new and improved hairstyle while trying to stay outta Vic's liquor. Meanwhile Doc Stitch has lost a patient and can't find himself leaning on his latest love interest, Our Abs, and instead is crying on Ash's every ready shoulder as he pours his fears about his career and Abs the ONLY one who tends to understand him these days. Abs just isn't feeling the VIBE they once shared and she's off doing her business thing tryin' to prove to big sister Vikki that she indeed has something to offer the family business and it was no mistake when Gabe/Adam gave her the COOOOOO-COOOOOO position!! Saved dah a whole $35.00 whoopie! Rags to riches story in the bloom!
With Courtney barely cold Noah takes up with Marissa and the rest is.....
/Marco is on the loose and Phyllis takes him down but doesn't tie him up so he's gone when she returns home with Jack. The REAL one shows up at Marissa's room at Lil D's GCAC and hopes she won't betray him the way his family does and true to script his Angel doesn't disappoint and makes it known that she is now with Noah Newman. Jack doesn't flinch as she makes it clear her life is moving onto greener pastures even if its with the grandson of Victor Newman, the man getting them all in this mess with Marco in the first place.
Meanwhile TGVN is livid that Nikki has chosen to remain cut from him and living that dam GCAC when she could be living at home snug as a bug in loving bliss inside the new home he'd provided after Sharon burned down his ranchhouse manse. Hadn't he suffered enough with the acceptance of her son with Paul Williams? Her continued falling OFF the wagon. Dammit since Katherine Chancellor passed away Nikki had dove off the wagon more times than she'd willing admit. And each and every time he'd forgiven her and his thanks is her drinking and blaming him for all her actions after he'd forgiven her transgression over and over and over and ove Agaii and again. And again.
Even Victoria had turned against his efforts to keep his company from being dismantled or worse by  Jack Abbott and his plans to destroy ALL Victor had done to maintain Newman Enterprises over the  years. He'd shot someone about to pull a gun and do the same to him, no one seemed concerned about that end, as Jack awaken to clear Victor of attempted murder but at same time complicated things because Marco was unaccounted for.
Detective Harding seems to know exactly where to go to find a man he's never seen or heard from before and shows up at the Abbott cabin where Austin was supposedly killed by someone aiming at TGVN. Our detective darlings the Jr. Nick and Nora Charles are hot on his hills though and maybe they may be in time to save his bacon?
AND just when we sudzers thought Neil Winters would rise from the ashes of betrayal and grief like the Phoenix he goes juvenile and hires Colin, of ALL people to set Lil D up to think he's cheated on Hils/Ann? Yeah. One of those WTF moments where you see it but just can't believe the writers have sunk to such shenanigans after having our Tiger Lily jump Oily Joe into whatever that was, thinking he couldn't deliver and she fell asleep while he slipped out to harass the ex-mrs. After she warns Lily that Joe is up to something Avery is raped and blames it on him because of the after shave the attacker wore. Turned out she was wrong and after making an apology to the press decides to leave Genoa City behind in the rear view mirror and tells Phyllis good-bye. Summer is upset, for the moment, that Aunt Avery didn't tell her good-bye as she thought they'd become so close while her mom was comatized.

Jill Atkins had no idea her husband, Colin, played major role in Neil being duped while a blind man can see that something wasn't quite right twext his wife and son. We viewers felt cheated a bit when Malcolm returned to GC upon learning of his big brothers crisis. The heat to heart was screen worthy BUT its hard to perceive or believe ol' Malli-Mal didn't EYE those two? However, Colin is ALL front and center rubbing the prints off his fingers as he milks Lil D of Kay's CASH as its spent easily while Lil D withdraws those blackmail payments for Colin.
Jack Abbott's as guilty as those seeking to benefit from Hils/Ann and Lil D's betrayal. Though Jack and Neil are SUPPOSED to be ALL bff an stuff he remained silent. Having MANY opportunity to telll Neil what was going a-on Jack remained silent. Even AFTER Marco/Polo. EVEN after Neil is there during Billy Boy's crisis Jack asked Neil to watch over Ashley when she goes to work with Dr. Neville (in the JABOT LABS. Hahahaha) But Jack can't say THAT he witnessed Hils/Ann and Lil D becoming closer. And closer. And MORE, but he'll snatch Neil up about drinking.?

Even as our Tiger Lily has prepared herself to pick up the pieces of her own life as well as Dad's we viewers can see its not looking  too good with the reattachment to Cane's extrmities as he ONLY wants sex with the ex--he's treating her like a booty call or a one night stand and she shoulda told him to 'Go ahead and love yourself. Cause you're free to move on'. Yup Yup. Still hoping Cane IS evil twin but obvious not or Joe Clark would be urder vic instead of Dr. Anderson!!!!

                                           Jack Abbott and his weren't prepared for his life to
                                           be taken over by Marco/Polo. Now Victor Newman's
                                           about to be tried for ALL sorts of crimes.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Chronicles of Noah Newman

Marissa comes to Genoa City with the REAL Jack Abbott but once seeing and talking to Marco she realized he was getting RID of anyone who could lead the authorities to connect this wanted criminal to the recent attempted murder of Jack Abbott. She does a Neil move and pulls the steering wheel causing Marco to loose control. She avvived at the Underground wet and dazed where Noah at once rescued her. She will talk to no one BUT managed to call Gabe/Adam's cell telling him they should meet? Adam/Gabe tells Paul that he SAW TGVN shoot Jack. Fails to mention that he and Marco planned the entire scheme but none figured TGVN would be packin'!!! Well. He was.  But he still THINKS he shot the imposter.
     Its clear to Noah that Harding killed Courtney and so he felt it necessary to rush to find him and bash his brains to smitherings? Well that plan didn't go as planned and its Noah who looks like he's bitten off a bit more than he can chew as Harding gets away and flees to the GCAC rooftop where Dyls and his Daddy are there to end things once and for all. Harding takes a bullet and dies without telling who his partner is and this leaves the door open for TGVN to whisk Marco out of town and back to the realms of a rock he'd crawled out from under Minus an ear?

Once again Noah and the family are outsmarted as Victor does what he does to handle his biz!! Don't tell this guy he can't reign in his own minions cause it ain't so. Sorta.
Just as Dyls asks for Sharon's hand she has lost their child and says nothing but yes to his proposal and it leaves us to wonder what NEW mess is Noah going to have to deliver his mother from?