Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Where all fans as well as those with different opinions of day-time soap operas.Mostly the genre's c rowing gemstone the Young and the Restless.There's room for the Laners,StickyVics,Jilins even those pesky 'Heathons' munching the PBJ's and swigging that milk! Surprise. Surprise. As chin scratch - as October's featured Delight Couple seems to be -gasp - Nik and Sharon. Go figure. While ever faithful 'Heathons' keep Devon's betrayal 'relationship' on Neil's side of the soap bubbles. As Phyllis pops Jacks! Introducing our new Phyllis we sudzers inhale waiting for Sharon/Phyllis confrontation and it fizzled as Phyl chills into comfort of legalldrugs. Jacks reaction to Kelly leaving. epic. As his life crumbles at his well shod feel, will Ashley make her move to control the helms of Jabot? Like jack did to her - 
Looks like Omar Gooding has whisked away our Leslie so all who wanted her to rescue Neil and restore his sight at same time - if only in reality of what he sensed about wifey and son before going blind. Let's have the new doctor on rounds is waiting for a new Leslie to be recast. Just as we sudzers. dam we almost had our first African-American power couple - sans Drucella and Neil's power plays for Beauty of Nature and Jabots launch of their first line of beauty products for African-American women. Ashley sent Dru to Japan to bring back the same rare flower Neil sought for Victoria's Beauty of Nature line of products.

The look in Sharon's face when Nik asked if what Phyllis khaks said is true? 'Nik what had happened was...I didn't exactly push her - Duh -Ruh'.And without thinking about how Jack will feel hearing the lies in front of Victor and Nik, well Red was on a roll and roll she did until everything as over and nothing could change the fact that Sharon did change Summers daddy info. Phyllis falling down the steps was divine intervention and payback for what happened to Drucella. Now that Sharon has had time to think its certain she'll say its Phyllis' Karma at work.